UPDATED May 2023
Steam engine #142 came out of service for a fifteen year inspection near the end of the 2017 season. The problem was the lack of a facility to do this most intense of inspections on it and the main impetus of the Society was the erection of a new and permanent shop facility to accomplish this, and many other much needed equipment projects. The shop was constructed in 2018, had one track installed in 2019 and 142 was moved into the shop to begin work. And then came 2020 and Covid, which further delayed the project. Finally, a government requirement not previously done stalled the project further but work is proceeding to culmination at this time. An announcement will be forthcoming when 142 will return to action.
By late summer of 2022, we reached our goal of improving the track to Riegelsville. There were associated details that need attention and it was too close to the close of the regular 2022 season so we put off starting until 2023 with the full 8-1/2 mile trip, first with a test train March 18th and passenger service May 6th. Ridership is expected to climb. For now, the Winery Train unloads at the new Rieglesville station and the bus still runs from there to the winery. Eventually, a road constructed from the runaround connecting to the winery's driveway will be used once a platform is constructed and the road paved.
The new two hour interval schedule seems to be working out well but the schedule is not officially in effect until the new rulebook and timetable are issued.
Stay tuned for other improvements we hope to see this year. Snyders station is being assessed for extending the previous improvements in order to increase the capacity and reduce the pinch points in pedestrian movement. This is critical for October when it sees its heaviest loads.